TED Talk Trainer Dr. Reesa Woolf has trained 3,000 Business Owners and Corporate Leaders, Executives and Sales professionals in Fortune 500 companies to speak with Authority and Confidence.  She is a Keynote Speaker with a PhD in Business Psychology.  She will teach you to speak with authority an confidence.

   TED Talk Trainer 

   Convention Keynote Speaker who can make anyone a Keynote speaker.

  • Instructor: Wharton Business School Faculty
  • Professor – Johns Hopkins University, United States Naval Academy, United Nations in Rome, Cairo and Santiago, Chile. 
  • Press Secretary – Hawaii Gubernatorial Campaign 
  • PhD in Psychology; Studied with Albert Ellis, PhD, the Father of Cognitive Therapy (this is how she works so fast)
  • Senior Trainer – The International American Management Association
  • Senior Trainer – Lee, Hecht, Harrison Division, Executive Career Strategy

#1 Bestseller

If you are tormented with fear thoughts when you must speak at a meeting or in a presentation, this easy-to-use book is proven to give you the confidence that will make people listen and respect you when you speak. 

Would you like to radiate confidence, conquer inner doubts, gracefully recover from mistakes and connect effectively with any audience?

Reesa Woolf, PhD is a TED Talk Trainer with a PhD in Psychology who has researched Fear of Public Speaking for 25 years and honed her clear solutions by teaching her results to Fortune 500 professionals.

You will learn 45-Proven Tips to rid yourself of anxiety before and during speaking. You will learn how to organize your ideas and make them interesting to each group.

Learn to be a poised and influential speaker, regardless of the audience’s size.

Stop your Fear of Public Speaking by reading this entertaining story; each chapter ends with an outline summary for quick review.

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Contact Us for booking your Public Speaking Class